Get your Fender Rhodes sounding great.

Smooth like butter, with that iconic bark. Whether it’s a quick service, or a full restoration of your Rhodes; we provide a number of options to get your Rhodes sounding its best.

Rhodes Rescue SERVICE:

Time: 1 Hour – on site

Cost: £110 (+ parts if needed)

Introduced by popular demand! Need a tine or pickup replaced? Need a quick tuning or a fix for a sticking key? This service is for venues, studios, and musicians in London who need a quick fix.

What we can do:
  • Tuning
  • Quick voicing
  • Pickup replacement
  • Tine replacement
  • Fix sticking keys
  • Fix ringing notes
  • Fix small action regulation issues
  • Small repairs i.e. tine replacement, sticking keys, missing hammer tips/dampers etc.

Note: This is a quick call out service for Rhodes that are already in good condition. If your Rhodes has not been serviced in a few years or there are multiple issues, see our Quick Service instead.

Quick Service:

Time: 4 Hours – on site

Cost: £300 (+ parts if needed)

Our quickest and most affordable option for servicing. This service can be done on-site and covers servicing the essentials of your Rhodes, plus any small repairs that need doing. Ideal if its been a while since your Rhodes was serviced or its going out on the road.

  • Concert Tuning – A440 or similar
  • Voicing (tone colour, harmonics etc.)
  • Pickup adjustment (volume, bark etc.)
  • Key lubrication
  • Damper regulation – for even touch
  • Strike-line adjustment
  • Quick key levelling
  • Small repairs i.e. tine/pickup replacement, sticking keys, missing hammer tips/dampers etc.


Time: 8-9 Hours (in workshop)

How long do you need? Approx. 2 week turnaround

Cost: £400 (+ parts if needed)

A comprehensive day service of your Rhodes where we take it to our workshop and can improve and repair the majority of areas including tuning, voicing, keys, action, and replacing entire sets of old parts. We include the Quick Service option as standard, and this includes:

Quick Service
  • Concert Tuning – A440 or similar
  • Voicing (tone colour, harmonics etc.)
  • Pickup adjustment (volume, bark etc.)
  • Key lubrication
  • Damper regulation – for even touch
  • Strike-line adjustment
  • Quick key leveling
  • Small repairs i.e. tine/pickup replacement, sticking keys, missing hammer tips/dampers etc.

This takes about half the service and get the Rhodes to as good as it can be in its current condition. In the remaining time we can improve elements of your Rhodes that need it most. If you have simething specific in mind let us know, nut below are some of the options we will suggest

Tone Bar Screw & Grommet Replacement

Older tone bar screws and grommets can become worn and brittle, affecting sustain and changing the tone quality of the note. Replacement of these parts will help rectify this and is well worth it for the the short installation time and reasonable cost. If any springs need replacing we will do this as well.

Hammer Tip Replacement

Hammer tips are the key to the sound of a Rhodes. Over time these rubber tips become worn and create deep grooves which can affect the tone. Replacing these will bring a significant improvement and evenness to the tone.

Damper Felt Replacement

If its been many years since your Rhodes was last serviced, chances are the damper felts are going to be pretty. This can cause note to have a loud sizzle or slow damperening. In the worst cases the felts might be missing or not working at all. Replacing old damper felts with brand new ones will put the ‘piano’ back in your Rhodes – solid dampening soyou can play with maximum expression.

Keyboard Regulation

Even key regulation is essential for even touch throughout the piano. Over time the middle of the piano tends to become more uneven due to the higher frequency of playing there. This service includes correct setting of key height, key dip, squaring the keys, tightening the keys if needed, and improving side-play (the side to side ‘wiggle) of white and black keys.

Good regulation starts with the key, and the keyboard will look nice and even as well.

Escapement Adjustment

Correct escapement is when the height of the harp above the action is in the ideal place. When this is wrong problems such as double striking notes, dull tone, and choking tines can occur. Adjusting this in combination with strikeline can transform your Rhodes’s tone.

Bump Mod/Miracle Mod Installation

Hugely improves the touch and responsiveness of Rhodes pianos that are heavy and sluggish, especially earlier Fender Rhodes pianos. Installation involves adding a bump to the front end of the key pedestal to improve leverage between the key and the hammer cam. A night and day difference to touch.

Note: Rhodes from 1978 onwards usually have the bump mod installed. This is true for wood or plastic keys.

Rhodes Stage Preamp Installation

Customise the sound of your Rhodes from the nameplate! A preamp gives you EQ, vibrato, and many other options to choose from right above the keyboard, and no need for an amp if you want. There are many great preamps out there that we can install, (Vintage Vibe, Rhodestar, Peter Panner etc.) but our favourite is the Retro Flyer from Avion Studios.

Hardware Replacement

The metal case brackets and hinges (hardware) become rusty and corroded over time. Replacing them will make your Rhodes look fresher and nicer. Requires extra cost for hardware parts which we get from Vintage Vibe. Great for the studio or the stage. Service time can vary due to older screws often becoming stripped and then needing to replug the screw holes.

Note: If you are unsure, we can get the piano in the workshop and decide then, no pressure.

Full Service:

Time: 2-2.5 Full Days

How long do you need? A few weeks turnaround

Cost: £600 (+ parts if needed)

An extensive full 2 day service of your Rhodes in which we can dive deeper and service more parts for longer. We will dedicate 8-9 hours to our Tune-Up package, keyboard and action regulation; then you can decide what else you would like us to work on.

Included As Standard
  • Concert Tuning – A440 or similar
  • Voicing (tone colour, harmonics etc.)
  • Pickup adjustment (volume, bark etc.)
  • Key lubrication
  • Escapement & strikeline adjustment
  • Repairs i.e. tine replacement, sticking keys, missing hammer tips/dampers etc.
  • Keybaord regulation – key height, key dip, tightening keys, side-play, and squaring
  • Hammer and damper regulation

Short of a full rebuild, this is the best service your Rhodes can get. You can customise what you would like from the list below, or if you are unsure, get in touch.

Tone Bar Screw & Grommet Replacement

Older tone bar screws and grommets can become worn and brittle, affecting sustain and changing the tone quality of the note. Replacement of these parts will help rectify this and is well worth it for the tshort installation time and reasonable cost. If any springs need replacing we will do this as well.

Hammer Tip Replacement

Hammer tips are the key to the sound of a Rhodes. Over time these rubber tips become worn and create deep grooves which can affect the tone. Replacing these will bring a significant improvement and evenness to the tone.

Damper Felt Replacement

If its been many years since your Rhodes was last serviced, chances are the damper felts are going to be pretty. This can cause note to have a loud sizzle or slow damperening. In the worst cases the felts might be missing or not working at all. Replacing old damper felts with brand new ones will put the ‘piano’ back in your Rhodes – solid dampening soyou can play with maximum expression.

Re-Bushing Keys

Key bushings are strips of felt that support the key on the front and balance rails of the keybed. Keys that need re-bushing have that rather annoying rocking unstable feeling that affects how you play. If our tightening efforts and side-play adjustments are unsuccessful then we would recommend re-bushing the keys to resolve this. This will give a tight, responsive feel to the key which is far more enjoyable to play.

Note: Mark II Rhodes from 1981 onwards usually have plastic keys meaning they do not have key bushings.

Bump Mod/Miracle Mod Installation

Improves the touch and responsiveness of Rhodes pianos that are heavy and sluggish. Installation involves adding a bump to the front end of the key pedestal to improve leverage between the key and the hammer cam.

Note: Rhodes from 1978 onwards usually have the bump mod installed. This is true for wood or plastic keys.

Rhodes Stage Preamp Installation

Customise the sound of your Rhodes from the nameplate! A preamp gives you EQ, vibrato, and many other options to choose from right above the keyboard, and no need for an amp if you want. There are many great preamps out there that we can install, (Vintage Vibe, Rhodestar, Peter Panner etc.) but our favourite is the Retro Flyer from Avion Studios.

Rhodes Suitcase Preamp/Amp Repair

The electronics in the Rhodes Janus preamp are approaching 50 years old. If somethings not right, then our amp specialist can take a look we can find a solution.

Likewise if your amp is sounding distorted, crackly, or blowing fuses; we’ll take a look and see if it can be repaired.

Note: Suitcase preamp/amp repair may require an extra charge as we use an amplifier specialist for this type of work.

Hardware Replacement

The metal case brackets and hinges (hardware) become rusty and corroded over time. Replacing them will make your Rhodes look fresher and nicer. Requires extra cost for hardware parts which we get from Vintage Vibe. Great for the studio or the stage. Service time can vary due to older screws often becoming stripped and then needing to replug the screw holes.

Bulk Pickup Replacement

If your Rhodes is completely dead, it’s usually either a simple wiring issue or multiple pickups have failed. If a Rhodes has been stored in a damp or extreme environment (i.e. in a shed for 20 years), then this type of failure can occur. Our worst Rhodes so far we have needed to replace 40 pickups. Naturally this is time consuming and expensive, but unfortuntely the only way to revive the sound of an instrument like this.

Full Restoration:

How long do you need? Approx. 2 months, plus time to order and deliver parts

Cost: Contact us for a quote

A full rebuild of your Rhodes piano can make it ‘like-new’. Whilst this may not be necessary for many Rhodes (we’re reluctant to fully replace parts on instruments that already work and sound well), but if your piano is in a terrible condition or has suffered major damage (being dropped or extensive water damage for example), then this may be the right option for you. The cost is this will vary significantly due to parts and labour time, but you’re looking at at least £1500.

Here’s a list of some of the work that can be undertaken – you can customize as much or as little as you like:

  • Replacement* of tone bars and tines.
  • Replacement* of pick-ups and rewiring
  • Replacement* of hammer cams, damper arms and bridle tapes
  • Replacement* of plastic key tops
  • Replacement* of legs and pedal hardware
  • Installation of Preamp
  • Repair/replacement of amplifier**
  • New electronic components
  • New damper felts and hammer tips
  • New key bushings and other felts
  • New case brackets and hardware
  • New tolex installed on Rhodes case
  • Miracle Mod installation
  • Keyboard & action regulation
  • Tone bar screws and grommets replaced
  • Escapement & strike-line readjusted
  • Tuning & voicing
  • 12 month warranty

*Partial or full replacement of parts as needed/desired.

**Suitcase models only. We subcontract our amp repair to an amplifier specialist.

Cosmetic Surgery: Paint Jobs, Tolex & Hardware

Time: Varies

Cost: Contact Us

The black plastic lids of Rhodes pianos always seem to be marked, scuffed, and scratched. Why not get a paint job to fix it up!

Tolex is the black vinyl material that covers the case of your Rhodes. Over time this becomes worn, ripped, and sometimes falls off entirely. Replacement of the tolex and case hardware is the best way to making your Rhodes ‘look’ like new.

Replacing the tolex on a Rhodes is a time consuming, difficult, and sometimes tedious job. It requires removal of the old tolex, sanding down the wooden casing of the Rhodes down to remove glue and create an even surface, and many hours of patience and care to install the new tolex. However, it is always worth it as your Rhodes will look fantastic.

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