My Wurlitzer only comes out of one side of my headphones. What’s going on?

In almost all cases, this is because the headphones that you have are stereo headphones whereas the signal coming out of the headphone output of a Wurlitzer piano is mono. This means that (usually) only the left (tip) side of the headphones will be heard as there is no collection to the right (ring). Solution […]

My Wurlitzer sustain pedal isn’t working. Help!

Electric pianos are wonderful, but one thing we’ve always found slightly lacking is the sustain pedals. Sadly they sometimes they feel like an afterthought. Now granted, the Wurlitzer pedal is certainly a better design than the Rhodes piano, but, sometimes they just don’t work properly. Whether the pedal isn’t working at all, allowing all notes […]

My Wurlitzer piano is making a high pitched whining sound. Help!

This is related to our post about popping and crackling as it is usually the same issue. By far the most common is that there is debris caught between the reed and the reed bar, causing it to ground slightly. The next most likely culprit is a reed that is misaligned slightly and causing the […]

The top keys of my Wurlitzer piano sustain/don’t dampen. Is this normal?

If you have a Wurlitzer 200 or 200A model, you may have noticed that the very top five notes (G#6-C7) do not dampen and freely sustain. This is because there are no dampers on these top five notes. It is completely normal and nothing to worry about. On these top notes there is a small […]

My Wurlitzer is make a loud popping, crackling, distorted or banging sound. Help!

This is related to our post about whining and distortion in Wurlitzers too as it is usually the same issue. By far the most common is that there is debris caught between the reed and the reed bar, causing it to ground slightly. This can either sound like several things: It can be very unsettling […]

Wurlitzer 200 Series Piano Safety

What makes Wurlitzers unique in the electric piano world is that they have a built in amplifier that generates the sound. This means that the electronics are a major part of servicing these instruments. Because of the power this draws Wurlitzers are connected to mains electricity and have live voltage running through it. This means […]

Why do repeated notes on my Rhodes choke when I’m pressing the sustain pedal?

One of the limitations of the Rhodes is when the pedal is down and when a key is repeatedly played the note can often deaden or ‘choke’. this is because when the tine is struck by the hammer the tine vibrates in a up and down motion, and when the hammer strikes the tine at […]

How is a Wurlitzer piano tuned?

Understanding the process: Out of the ‘big 3’ vintage electric pianos (Rhodes, Wurlitzer, and Clavinet), the tuning method on a Wurlitzer piano is the most unique. Wurlitzers are like Rhodes in the sense that the tuning usually last a very long time. Where they differ is that the process of tuning a note is much […]

The keys of my Rhodes/Wurlitzer are uneven, can they be adjusted?

Yes! Adjusting the keys, or key leveling as we call it, is the process of adjusting the key heights and depth (called key-dip) of the white and black keys of the piano. It is the same process as with a regular piano – we use paper shims or punchings to set the correct height of […]

My Wurlitzer piano is buzzing/rattling when I play. Help!

This is a very common problem with Wurlitzers and could be one of many things. Fortunately it is usually something very simple. If you are hearing distortion, popping or crackling, then this is found here. Here is a list of problems and solutions. Remember to switch off and disconnect the power cable before opening up […]

My Wurlitzer is making a thunk/clunk sound when a key is pressed. What’s going on?

This is often to do with the solder or ‘lead’ that is applied to the reeds to adjust the tuning. It often happens in the tenor register in the F F# G range below middle C. The solution is usually to replace the solder on the reed. If not this then it could be the […]

Can I adjust the vibrato setting ok my Wurlitzer?

You can adjust the intensity but not the rate, you’ll need a tremolo pedal for that. On the circuit board is an adjustment for vibrato (strictly speaking ‘tremolo’). Be careful to unplug everything and switch all the power off before you adjust as you can easily get an electric shock from the circuitry of a […]

My Clavinet has notes that are ringing/not sustaining. Help!

It is likely that the yarn that mutes the strings in the non-speaking length of the string is not dampening properly. The solution is to either remove the yarn and replace it, or to remove it at use Clavigel; which is a more modern dampening mechanism created by Vibe Vibe

How is a Hohner Clavinet tuned?

Out of all the electoacoustic pianos, this is the most simple to tune. Below the keys is a rail they can be removed to reveal the tuning pegs that the strings are wrapped around. By using a flat head screwdriver on the screw at a right angle to the tuning leg, you can adjust the […]

There are some dead notes on my Rhodes. Help!

This is a common issue that affects all Rhodes pianos at some point. This could be one of a number of issues, here are some places to start: (Note: if unsure of any of these terms, consult the Glossary.) Remove the lid and inspect the harp where the problem is Rhodes lids are easy to remove, in […]

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action damper dampers dead notes electronics escapement harp hiss keyboard regulation key dip key height let-off pickup reed reed bar safety speakers sticking keys strings sustain sustain pedal tine tone bar transformer tuning upright piano whip

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