Over time the pickups in Rhodes pianos are prone to failure, especially if your Rhodes has suffered damp or water damage. There is also a certain batch of pickups in late Mark I and Mark II pianos which have a white sleeve around them. Unfortunately these pickups are notorious for failing. In any case, the […]
One of the limitations of the Rhodes is when the pedal is down and when a key is repeatedly played the note can often deaden or ‘choke’. this is because when the tine is struck by the hammer the tine vibrates in a up and down motion, and when the hammer strikes the tine at […]
It a classic Rhodes problem, your Rhodes sounded great but now its sounding dull and lifeless. For such an instrument that in many ways is quite a simple design, it’s funny how the the changes in sound can be so dramatic. This issue could be down to many things, so we’ll start with simpler and […]
This is a common issue that affects all Rhodes pianos at some point. This could be one of a number of issues, here are some places to start: (Note: if unsure of any of these terms, consult the Glossary.) Remove the lid and inspect the harp where the problem is Rhodes lids are easy to remove, in […]