Rhodes Key Shims Rescue Kit



Improve the touch of your Rhodes and make the keys nice and even with our balance rail key shim rescue kit. Remove the keys of your rhodes and add the small paper shims underneath the felt to even out the key height of your rhodes.

This kit contains a mixture of different thicknesses of punchings to add to your existing ones. This kit only contains balance rail shims. If you need more for full key regulation choose our balance rail punching set.

Note: Late Mark II pianos have plastic keys so do not need paper punchings.


These balance rail shims are inserted on the balance rail pins for each key. This is located at the centre of the key.
Remove the key and insert the punchings underneath the felt until you get the desired key height for white and black keys.
Use a straight edge for more presicion. Generally the felts in the middle of the piano become compressed more (because you play more there), meaning that these notes will require more shims underneath.


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