Wurlitzer 200 Series Piano Safety

What makes Wurlitzers unique in the electric piano world is that they have a built in amplifier that generates the sound. This means that the electronics are a major part of servicing these instruments. Because of the power this draws Wurlitzers are connected to mains electricity and have live voltage running through it. This means […]

Pickup (Wurlitzer)

The pickup system on Wurlitzer pianos is formed of two metallic bars, one for the bass and treble section of the piano, that is housed on the rear portion of the reed bar. It is a comb shaped structure that surrounds the reed of each note. It is located under the dampers and damper arms. […]

Reed Bar

On a Wurlitzer electric piano the reed bar is the large metal bracket which houses the reeds. It is located across the entire piano, usually underneath the damper assembly. Its main functions are as follows: There are technically two reed bars on a Wurlitzer piano, one for the bass section and one for the treble […]

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action damper dampers dead notes electronics escapement harp hiss keyboard regulation key dip key height let-off pickup reed reed bar safety speakers sticking keys strings sustain sustain pedal tine tone bar transformer tuning upright piano whip

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